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Life is a set of small everyday things - Evening routine to end the day

Our lives consist of a series of routines - small daily actions that affect the whole much more than we might realize. Every day is a mosaic of these repetitions that we do from morning to night, and often we don't even realize we're doing them.

We spend large amounts of time every day without realizing it on very basic routines:

  1. Sleeping : Adults sleep an average of 7-9 hours a night. So in a year, about 2,555 to 3,285 hours are spent sleeping.
  2. Eating and drinking : On average, people spend about 1-1.5 hours a day eating and drinking. In a year, this means approximately 365 - 547.5 hours.
  3. Brushing your teeth : If you brush your teeth according to the recommendations 2 times a day for 2 minutes at a time, this will take about 24 hours a year.
  4. Personal hygiene (shower, dressing, etc.): This takes an average of about 1 hour a day, which is about 365 hours a year.
  5. Work and study : On weekdays, about 8 hours a day are spent on work or study. Including holidays and weekends, this is approximately 1,900 - 2,000 hours per year.
  6. Free time (watching TV, social media, hobbies, etc.): On average, about 4-5 hours are used for this per day, which is about 1,460 - 1,825 hours per year.
  7. Movement (commuting, going to the store, etc.): On average, about 1-1.5 hours are used for this per day, which is about 365 - 547.5 hours per year. Of course, these are only average estimates, and actual times can vary greatly from person to person and culture to culture.

routines to glory

A person can spend more than 200 hours or eight days of his life just tying his shoes.

But think for a moment. What if these routines could be stepping stones towards a better life? What if we could modify them to support our well-being and advance our goals?

Routines are the basis of a good life

We all struggle with routines that don't serve us. Along the path of life, we accumulate bad habits that slowly but surely eat away the meaning of life from within. But it doesn't have to be that way. Instead of trying to change an entire life, which is an overwhelming task, we can focus on changing one routine at a time. Small changes, one at a time, lead to big and lasting results.

I want to share with you one simple routine, which is a gentle way to end the day and prepare for the night.

Dinner daily routine

A person can eat dinner for 1.5-4 years during his life. So this all in one tube around the clock. At its best, it's quality time with our loved ones.

Good Night Routine with Sleep Blend

  1. In the evening, about an hour before going to bed, prepare to end the day. Start by quieting your surroundings - turn off unnecessary lights, close your computer and put your phone away.
  2. Make yourself a cup of warm herbal tea. Add 1-2 doses of Sleep Blend to it. Its unique combination relaxes your body, calms your nervous system and helps you prepare for a deep, restful sleep.
  3. As you drink your tea, go over the day's events in your mind. Think about what good the day brought, what you are grateful for. Focus on the positive things and the good that you have achieved.
  4. When you're done, go to your bedroom and end your day by getting quiet and paying attention to your breathing. Notice each inhale and exhale and let them happen naturally. If (when) your mind starts to wander, don't judge, just bring your attention back to your breath.

Paying attention to the breath is challenging at first, because the mind wants to jump back and forth like a wild horse. Soon, however, you will find your mind taming. Sleep Blend gently but surely supports this process as well.

When you incorporate this routine into your life, you'll notice how it not only improves the quality of your sleep, but also gives you a way to end your day in a positive and calming way. You will also notice how you wake up in the morning more refreshed and the new day starts a little better.

It's a small change, but it makes a big difference. Improving life is all about the small steps we take every day.