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Managing stress naturally - sources and effects of stress

Stress is a silent destroyer of the body. It causes inflammation, consumes vitamin and mineral reserves, weakens the quality of the skin, accumulates fat in the waist area, lowers the quality of sleep, and lowers the natural resistance.

Many of the unpleasant symptoms, aches and pains disappear soon after stress levels are brought under control.

When you start treating stress, the first task is to find the root cause(s) of stress. Is it a physical or mental load? What causes the load? Once you identify the sources of stress, you can develop a way to minimize them. Maybe you work too much or exercise too much (or too little). It may be that you are worried about something that you are not aware of at the level of your conscious mind. This requires honest introspection.

Watch a free webinar on how to reduce stress easily and effectively here.

Good ways to reduce mental load are;

  • Reduces the amount of external stimuli (news, current affairs programs, social media, etc.)
  • Increase time for yourself (sauna, walking, writing, etc.) Do things you enjoy (board games, socializing, sudoku, etc.)
  • Breathing exercises and meditation

In addition to this, it is also important to take action on a physiological level.

Important nutrients for stress management are;

  • Copper (regulates fatty acids and glucose)
  • Selenium (reduces oxidative stress)
  • Zinc (affects hormone synthesis)
  • Iodine (supports thyroid function)
  • Pakurikäpä (strong antioxidant and immune support)
  • Lakkakäpa (supports balanced hormonal activity)
  • Maitake (balances insulin levels)
  • N-acetyl cysteine ​​(supports glutathione production)

Stress lowers the natural resistance and upsets the hormonal balance. That's why the nutrients and herbs mentioned above play a central role when we start to support the body that suffers from prolonged stress.

Taimin's Immunity Blend contains all the above ingredients as well as 10 other important immunity-boosting and inflammation-reducing raw materials.

Immunity Blend, together with Sleep Blend, is an excellent support to strengthen the body while you focus on alleviating the root causes of stress.